The Simpsons-Curating Strategy Genius of FX

The Simpsons Curating Strategy


If you have cable, you can use the FXNow App and watch every single Simpsons episode right now.


What could be better?


There is a “random” button you can hit.


This is the future!


No, I am serious about this. FX is doing something unique with TV. They are altering the viewing behavior. So, while other services invest billions in product procurement. FX is using a different strategy. They have licensed a well known and powerful brand with 618 episodes over 28 seasons.


That is a LOT of content.


There is a HUGE chance that, unless you are the most adamant Simpsons fan, you have missed a few episodes…maybe even a few seasons.  The result – hit that random button. If that wasn’t enough, they have numerous Playlists including every Treehouse of Horror, Classic Ralph Moments, Valentine and Christmas episodes among others.


Sure, this takes a lot of curating and back-end work to support. However, and I am not offering ANY proof. These costs must be less than developing just one new season of Game of Thrones.  And they are only doing eight of those.


Kudos FX Networks for using a curating strategy to sneak in a competitive edge in a very tough market. Kudos.