This is just one day…a Monday…of my life. I want people considering starting their own company to remember just how much time and effort it takes to make it happen, because one of their competitors could be a dude like me.
8am: Wake-up to an email from USPTO that a legal action has been placed against one of Spirit and Groove’s® trademarks and we have forty days to respond.
8:15am: As I shove oatmeal into my mouth, I investigate the claim and the party bringing it against my company. I find it legit, but winnable. However, it could be extremely costly to challenge. A HUGE decision must be made that will be 90% on faith, impacts my entire business plan, and could hinder my personal finances for the next few years.
9:00am: My regular job begins. Currently booking and contracting nine lounges for the next three months, two holiday weekends of parties for fourteen, managing the company social and website, and fielding inbound applicants.
1:00pm: Lunch-break and P90X workout…still fielding company emails.
2:00pm: Back at the daily grind.
3:30-3:45pm: Afternoon break, contact lawyers to represent Spirit and Groove® in the claim.
6:30pm: Filming Spirit and Groove’s® weekly Drummer Challenge. I record myself drumming, then green-screen intros.
7:00pm: Editing footage and preparing social for Wednesday’s launch of the video I just shot.
9:30pm: Work on Lesson 12 from Rosetta Stone® Spanish.
10:00pm: Open a company checking account and secure a company credit card after updating finances.
11:30pm: Begin investigating Angel Investors.
12:30am: Find a suitable business plan template and get to work.
2:00am: Bed.